Returns Policy

If there is an issue with your purchase please email us on with your invoice number and the issue. We will try to respond to your email in 1-2 Business Days.

Horses Rugs

If you have chosen the wrong size?

If the rug has been on the Horse we are unable to have them returned back.

They must be in original condition and clean, with no dirt or hair, and not have been on the horse. As we are unable to resell this due to disease, infections, animal health hygiene, and the welfare of horses. We have the same rules with dog rugs. As this was made here in Qld when the horse Equine Flu broke out in 2007.
If they come back and are not in a fit state to resell we have the right to reject the return and will send the rug or rugs back in your prepaid bag.
A prepaid bag must be enclosed to fit the rug.

Dog Rugs

Have you measured the dogs from the collar to the base of the tail?

Returns Policy :

If you have chosen the wrong size?

If the rug has been on the dog we are unable to have them returned back.

They must be in original condition and clean, with no dirt or dog hair, and not have been on the dog. As we are unable to resell this due to disease, infections, animal health hygiene, and the welfare of dogs. We have the same rules with horse rugs. As this was made here in Qld when the horse Equine Flu broke out in 2007.
If they come back and are not in a fit state to resell we have the right to reject the return and will send the rug or rugs back in your prepaid bag.
A prepaid bag must be enclosed to fit the dog rug.